Meat Free Monday – For the Earth, for Animals & for Health.

ポール・マッカートニー氏が地球環境保護などを目的として提唱している「ミートフリーマンデー(Meat Free Monday)」や世界中の様々な「週いちベジ」キャンペーンに呼応して、日本でも「ミートフリーマンデー・オールジャパン(MFMAJ)」が活動を展開しています。

Inspired by Paul MaCcartney’s Meat Free Monday, Meat Free Monday All Japan aims to raise awareness of the significant consequences of global meat consumption, and how we can make a positive difference in slowing climate change, preserve Earth’s irreplaceable natural resources, and better our health by having at least one plant-based day a week.
Individually we make small changes but with everyone working together, those small changes can have a significant impact on our planet.